Monday, September 10, 2012

A taste of reality

I love yoga.  I started doing it shortly before I was pregnant with James, and found prenatal yoga to be of huge benefit.  Returning to a power yoga routine after his birth shed the baby weight (and more) faster than I could have imagined.  (We’ll see if that holds true for any future babies…I won’t hold my breath.)  Since VWH was home for the summer, yoga fell by the wayside as we substituted long walks, playing in the backyard, and library and ice cream trips instead.  But now school is back in session and it’s time to resume the regular workout routine.  I aim to do yoga on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with errand running and walks on the other days.  This way I’ll have a nice mix and in case I’m not always in the mood for yoga, I don’t have the pressure of doing it every day.  I’m so organized and motivated it makes me sick.

Today was the first day of the new regimen.  Back in the spring I would put James down for his morning nap, complete a 55 minute workout, shower, and still have a little time for housework or lunch.  His naps have been a bit sporadic lately, but he’s recently been sleeping for at least two hours in the morning, so I optimistically placed him, asleep, in his crib around 9:30 am, anticipating the fantastic feeling of a great yoga workout.

The first part of the DVD goes well.  I’m aware of more stiffness than usual, but that makes sense since I haven’t done intense stretching in a few months.  My arms are a little weaker, but that will come back.  Overall I’m pleased with where I’m at.  It takes a few minutes to get back into the clearness of mind and rhythmic breathing yoga demands, but I start to hit my stride.  “This is the life.”

Then life catches up with me.

Inhale, upward dog.  Exhale, downward dog…
The baby monitor: “Ehhh??  Meh?  Ba ba ba??”
Me: “Maybe he’ll go back to sleep.”

Sink into Warrior One, letting yourself turn into a long arch…
The monitor: “… … EhhhhHHH!”
Me: “Comon’ James.  You’ve barely been up there a half-hour.”

Press your right leg into the earth as you balance with your left leg pressed out…
Monitor: “Waaaahh?  AAAAANNHHH!”
Me: “OK.  He’s awake.  Maybe I can put him in his bouncer and he can watch and entertain himself.”

I go rescue James, who is stuck standing in his crib (he can stand up but hasn’t figured out how to sit back down yet), bring him downstairs quickly, hoping I’ll stay loose and warm, and put him in the bouncer.  He doesn’t like this but I turn the DVD back on so that he has an immediate distraction.

Let yourself rock back and forth with your legs crossed, grabbing your feet…
Me: I rock back and forth, saying “boo!” to James when I come up.
James: “Ha ha!?! …  Ahhhhh!!!”

Come into cobbler’s pose, pressing your thighs down…
James: “Ma ma ma ba ba bah!  WAAHHH!”

I come out of cobbler’s pose, pick James out of the bouncer and hope he’ll crawl around me and enjoy his freedom while giving me enough space to finish the final stretches. 

Enjoy the stretch of the seated forward bend…
James attempts to crawl over me as I’m bent in half.

Close your eyes and let go of all the tension in your face…
I can’t, because I’m eyeing James shuffling along the edge of the couch, looking for electronics to gnaw on.

Feel yourself drop into the earth…
James finds a remote on the couch and drops it on my head.

Once again, mentally scan your body from top to bottom, letting all of your worries and tensions melt away…

James comes and buries his head in my stomach.  It is clear he is finished with the whole yoga thing.  I take one last deep breath, turn the DVD player off, pick up my little boy for a snuggle, and hope that I reaped at least a partial benefit of the workout.  James grins at me happily, glad that I am finally done with my silly hippieness and ready to feed him some lunch.  He even babbles something like, “I’m thrilled I could be of assistance to you Mom.” 

Yes.  Thank you James.  Because of your help it’s 5 hours later and I’m still waiting for my shower. 

(He doesn’t seem to mind.)

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