Monday, September 24, 2012

Just us against the world, pt. 2

11:25 am.  James wakes up and we end up talking in the nursery for 20 minutes.  He shows me how much he can bounce in his crib and I sit nearby and cheer him on.

12:00 pm.  Lunch!  Leftover football food for me.  (Homemade guacamole and chicken wing dip, using shredded wheat as chips.  Way healthier and, let’s be honest, the chip is only a vessel for the deliciousness you dip it in.  Might as well cut the salt and add a little fiber.)  James had banana, cheese, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes.  He ate a lot and relished every bite, smearing some in his hair for a mid-afternoon snack.

12:45 pm.  I attempt to fold laundry and James discovers using an upside-down laundry basket as a walker.  This quickly becomes his all-time favorite thing EVER, as you can see.  

 However, what the camera only hints at is that each time he pushed it into an obstacle he suffered a complete and utter meltdown.  I’m not used to this…James rarely really cries unless he’s hurt.  Usually you hear a frustrated, “Unnnhhhh,” but that’s about it.  But for some reason getting the laundry basket stuck equals the end of the world.  This goes on for a while until I finally hide the basket in the laundry room and shut the door.

1:15 pm.  Piano practicing.  In an attempt to distract James from the torture of the stuck laundry basket, we play some songs together.  I show him where middle C is and he practices playing it with a perfect right index finger.  I attempt some songs around his zone in the middle with mixed success.  He eventually gets down and cleans off a shelf of books next to the piano.  This is inevitable and I’m quite surprised it takes 7 full hours of consciousness for him to realize that he hasn’t checked it off his list.

1:30 pm.  James summits the staircase and heads for the bathroom.  I follow close behind, knowing that as long as he has his binky nothing too germy can enter his mouth.  He climbs the toilet and alternates between pounding the top of it and exploring the flush handle.  Once he figures out that pulling the handle can yield various amounts of sound he redirects all energy towards the ultimate achievement.  It takes a few minutes but he finally flushes the toilet.  (…yaaaayyyy…)  Flushed with triumph (ba-dum-SHH!), he happily moves over to the tub, making sure that all items on the ledge are pushed over into the tub.  When this task is complete he exits the bathroom, knowing that his work is finished.  I rescue him and wash his hands.  Boys are all the same.

1:45 pm.  James goes into his bouncer so I can finish folding the clothes.  I put some music on and he bounces sleepily, using Steven as a pillow.  I sense nap number 2 coming on and whisk him upstairs once the last pair of socks has been matched (only one leftover this time!).  A lovely rock and down he goes. 

I use this break to get dressed and ready for my evening rehearsal and catch up with VWH, who is in the throes of beginner lessons at school. 

3:30 pm.  James awakes and joins me in the kitchen for dinner prep.  He loves to help, so I give him metal mixing bowls to bang on and push around the floor as I steam, blend, poach, bake, and stir fry.  I start by making a few batches of green food for James this week: peas and beans.  He likes to celebrate the loud noise of the food processor.  I’m cooking for the babysitter too tonight so I can’t forage, which is probably what I’ll end up doing much of the next few days.  She is a good excuse to make real food.

5:30 pm.  After much play and cookery, James and I eat.  I have veggie and chicken stir fry with a brownie for dessert.  He eats peas, yogurt, banana, oatmeal, and cheese.  I’m very proud of the fact that he eats a large helping of peas without complaint.  This does not usually happen.  Good job James.

5:50 pm.  Bath Time for a James Bear.  The preceding sentence is a song that we sing as we get ready for the bath and he’s learned to get extremely excited when he hears it.  Tonight he bounces up and down so hard leaning over the tub that I’m afraid he’s going to bonk his chin.  Bath time is VERY fun tonight, with lots of kicking and splashing Mommy, who regrets getting changed earlier for rehearsal.  I must remember to tell the babysitter to watch her step if she goes in the bathroom.  I need one of those Caution Wet Floor signs.

6:25 pm.  James is bathed and pajamaed.  I am flying around trying to clean up some of his “work” by putting books on shelves and dishes in the sink.  I wonder aloud why I’m doing this…it never bothered me when I babysat if the house was a little messy.  And yet here I am, cleaning to impress my babysitter, who is one of my dearest friends from college, so she completely understands what a slob I can really be.  My mother I am becoming.

6:30 pm.  Megan is unsurprisingly prompt and I give James goodnight kisses.  As I head out the door I realize that the first day is essentially over.  Making music and then gladly embracing my pillow is all that remains. 

9:55 pm.  VWH texts to tell me he has safely arrived at his destination.  With a thankful heart I sign off for the night, happy to we all have survived day one.


10:05 pm.  James starts wailing from the nursery…

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