Sunday, September 23, 2012

From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring...

Perfection is…
·        Chai.
·        Chai on a cool, fall morning.
·        Chai on a cool, fall morning in a hoodie.
·        Chai on a cool, fall morning in a hoodie with a napping baby upstairs.
·        Chai on a cool, fall morning in a hoodie with a napping baby upstairs and the knowledge that you don’t have to go anywhere for the whole day.
·        Chai on a cool, fall morning in a hoodie with a napping baby upstairs and the knowledge that you don’t have to go anywhere for the whole day and also that there is football on.

James and VWH are excited for the first game of the season!  Unfortunately those smiles didn't last very long...

I could continue to lengthen that sentence and make you reread it over and over again, but I’ll be merciful.  Nevertheless, there are more aspects of perfection to share.  Things like…
·        Fresh, ripe avocadoes for homemade guacamole.
·        Actually feeling rested for the first time in a week.
·        The completion of the fall edition of the newsletter I edit.  Finished stamping and labeling last night and remember why I was ready to leave my office job a year ago.
·        Minimal dishes and laundry to wash.
·        Time to take a long, hot shower this morning.
·        The promise of reddening leaves and apple cider and hayrides and homemade soup.

The arrival of a new season is special.  I look forward to each new beginning and the changes in the weather.  Growing up, summer was my favorite.  No school, my birthday, long days outside, the odd sensation of trying to fall asleep at night with the sun still shining in your room.  When I was in college, I looked forward to spring in a new way, as the long Rochester winters became more tiresome as the months dragged by.  (There is only so much patience one can have for salt lines on their jeans, wet socks, and chapped faces.)  Spring brought color back into the world, and hope for the completion of a long school year.

And now we welcome autumn, glorious and robust.  More than any season in his young life, I look forward to introducing James to this time.  A time to soak in the precious remaining weeks of being outdoors, exploring new smells and tastes.  He will delight in crunching leaves and picking his first apple.  His little personality already takes great joy in exploring new things and learning, learning, learning!  As he experiences for the first time the delights of fall, I will be thankful once again for seeing the world in this fresh, new way—through the eyes of my child.

Playing peekaboo with Mom.  His overalls are basically the cutest things I've ever seen

James likes hoodies too

It's just so much nicer to snuggle when it's not 90 degrees in your livingroom

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