Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just us against the world. Day 3.

Things I learned from day 3 without VWH:

I can survive two days as a single mother tolerably, but three is a stretch.  Yesterday I napped for two hours in the morning with James, and dozed with him for another hour in the afternoon.  I was still so out of it that I went to bed at 9PM, didn’t even hear VWH come in around 11, and slept until the boys woke me up at 7 this morning. 
Apparently one of our neighbors mows his entire lawn with a weed whacker.  That thing was on continuously for over two hours...during nap time.
I don't care if your lawn is green and mowed.  You kept me awake.
A change of scenery can do wonders for passing time and keeping James distracted.  Many thanks to Uncle Paul and Aunt Joy for letting us crash their living room for a few hours.  (And for sharing their grandson’s awesome toys with James.) 
Seeing your unshaven, weary husband after 3 days is the most glorious sight ever.  And James was every bit as excited.
OK.  Maybe he didn't look that bad.
It didn't matter to James.

VWH was kind enough to give James his evening bath tonight.  James’ hair smells much more shampooey after Daddy washes it.  I wonder if Daddy rinses.
I would write more, but I’m still too tired.  Three days survived.  To celebrate, I will welcome a one-year old today for 4 hours to double the fun.  Weekend, weekend, wherefore art thou?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You made it through! Thanks for writing and sharing the joy. O Father, I love this little family SO MUCH!!!
