Tuesday, November 13, 2012

There's gonna be a party!

James and I went shopping this morning.  It was a very special trip, as we needed important ingredients to make delicious food for a certain bear’s first birthday party.  The party is this weekend and Mama Bear is trying to figure out how to balance rehearsals and performances and part-time jobs and full-time mamahood with prepping food and decorations and favors and all things PARTY!  (Sneak peeks below…)

Today I am thankful for the financial resources we are blessed with.  That we can pay our bills and even have some leftovers for things like…

First birthday party ideas
Stealing the idea, but this is not James.

Bear paws Cupcake

It’s pretty challenging to be able to survive as musicians in today’s economy, and we are blessed with a wide variety of jobs that fit together to meet our needs.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Catching up!

I have been thankful.  I really have!  I just haven't been on my computer for any length of time because the weekend was insanely busy.  So here are my thanksgivings from the past few days...

Saturday I was thankful for wonderful grandparents (and Aunt Martha), who took such fabulous care of sweet James while VWH and I ran all over upstate New York at various conventions, rehearsals, and performances.  He told me all about it, and it's obvious he had a great time.  :)

Yesterday I was thankful for our GPS, which guided me safely around a bridge under repair and to an important church service on time.  I hadn't been to that church before, and the path to get there isn't exactly main roads, so having some satellite assistance was a blessing.

Today I'm thankful for my bestest friends from college, all of whom I miss very much.  (Those who aren't in the area, which is pretty much all of them.)  They've been a huge part of my life for the past almost-ten years (can you believe it?) and even though they may live in North Carolina or Florida or Canada or Pennsylvania or somewhere else, we've done a decent job of keeping in touch.  We became sisters in college and that bond isn't easily broken.  Here's hoping that the holidays will bring some of them up north for a good old-fashioned reunion!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fluting it up

Today I am excited and thankful for the Rochester Flute Association and all that they do to enrich the fluting community of upstate New York.  This weekend is the RFA's annual convention and they're bringing in guest artist Marina Piccinini, professor of flute at the Peabody Institute.

Last year the convention was the weekend of my due date, so I didn't get to go.  This year I'm going, volunteering, and assembling the newsletter that will summarize the entire thing afterwards.  Just a few fingers in the pie...

I have two degrees in music and one specifically in flute, but am certainly not as immersed anymore since James has come along.  I play in a college-community orchestra, which is a great blessing, play in church, and do the occasional gig that comes along.  But I'm not playing as much as I would want to.  I can't.  Because if I did then I wouldn't get to spend as much time with James and VWH as I want to, and they're far more important.  

So when weekends like this come along I permit myself to take a break from the house and go be a musician for a few hours.  It will be grand! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cleanliness is next to godli...impossible

If I had a smart phone I would take a picture of my kitchen and post it.  Hurricane James is in bed and I have yet to mop up from the day's damage.  There are at least 30 books scattered around the floor, plus refrigerator magnets, sippy cups, and furniture askew.  And Tupperware.  All over the place.

In an attempt to placate James, we allow him to enter just one of our kitchen cabinets: the Tupperware cabinet.  (Actually, it's Rubbermaid or something even more generic, but we call it Tupperware so you'll just have to go with it.)  He greatly enjoys this cabinet, pulling out each lid and container and spreading them hither and yon.  Sometimes he gets extra-adventurous and enters the cabinet himself, exploring the deep recesses of the kitchen netherworld.

My Tupperware is very important to me.  I use it every day to pack lunches, put away leftovers, store baby food, and often eat out of (because what mom really wants to dirty another dish?).  I get a weird thrill out of stacking clean Tupperware together and seeing the nice, neat, organized piles when I'm finished.  (Square container pile, rectangular pile, circular pile, etc.)  I begrudgingly share it with James mostly because it's the safest of the kitchen cabinets.  I sometimes secretly wish I could block it off from him and avoid the mess on the floor each night (not to mention tripping over and stepping on it all day).

VWH also steals my Tupperware.  I am not the greatest wife when it comes to remembering to pack him a lunch.  So usually his lunch is leftovers, food he thankfully usually prefers to sandwiches and carrot sticks anyway.  It's quick for me to grab out of the fridge and it's quick for him to grab when I forget.  I freely admit that I could stand to improve in my lunch-preparing abilities.  But VWH could definitely stand to work on bringing the dirty Tupperwares back at the end of the workday.  I subbed for him yesterday and was reunited with a quarter of my dear plastic friends sitting on the floor next to his desk.  I know that at least another 25% is in his car.

So today I am thankful for the few precious plastic containers that remain unsmushed and unmoldy by the men in my life.  (Even though I wouldn't trade those men for a million Tupperwares...but that's for another day of thanksgiving.)  Here's to the homemaking queen and her wanna-be clean kitchen!

...and here's to reality.  This isn't my kitchen, but it's pretty darn close.

Transcribed from yesterday's notebook paper...

Yesterday I DID write down what I was thankful for—I just did it in study hall.  I was subbing for VWH yesterday and as I watched the mix of sophomores and seniors joke around with each other, play a game, do hair, and a little bit of studying, I couldn’t help but notice the awkwardness and insecurity.  You could see it on their faces.  “Do they really think I’m funny?”  “If I beat him in chess will I still have to wear this mask?”  “If I talk about how I’m pigging out at lunch maybe she’ll think I don’t usually eat this much.”  

And I wrote down on my paper: 

Today I am thankful that I am no longer a teenager!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful for YOU

This week has been insanely busy.  I feel like a mom who works outside the house ("working mother" is such an inaccurately-used statement).  James has been dropped off here, there, and everywhere, visiting friends and family.  I can't wait for things to calm down and reclaim our happy times together at home, but know he is in excellent hands.

Today I am thankful for those people, who give of their time so freely to watch our son, and joyfully invest in his young life.  (And who don't accept payment, no matter how hard I try!)  We are abundantly blessed to know you, and James is blessed to have lots and LOTS of aunties and uncles to spoil him.  :)

We voted today!  Did you?

Monday, November 5, 2012


There’s a story to be told.  A complicated tale with thorns and knots and rises and falls.  It hides for weeks and months at a time, only to return stronger and more intensely than before.  I don’t know how it will end or where it will take us.  I only wait and trust.

The story is not mine to tell.  I’m only along for the journey, listening and waiting for the next chapter.  I often feel like it holds my emotions and expectations in bondage.  Never one to live in the moment, waiting for the unexpected, yet long-expected, is maddening to me.

Today another chapter closed.  Another door unopened.  The wait goes on. 

Today, November 5, I am thankful for the sovereignty of God.  If I didn’t have it to trust in and rest my hope upon, I might go mad.

In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this Solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
Where fears are stilled, where strivings cease
My Comforter, my All-in-All
Here in the power of Christ I stand


Whoops.  Forgot to post yesterday.  I was extremely thankful yesterday for a husband who played with James so I could watch my football game.  Not only did he watch James, but the two of them cleaned during the game too.  Wow.  It was like Christmas and Easter and my birthday all rolled into one.

So, for the record...


Friday, November 2, 2012

A month of thanksgiving...

I thought November was primarily known as the no-shave month.  This is a tradition that I follow dutifully and even expand to most of the winter months.  When you live in upstate New York you need all the extra warmth nature can afford you.  

OK.  I'm exaggerating.  Mostly.  But yesterday I noticed that a lot of people were posting things they were thankful for on Facebook, calling it the month of thankfulness.  I thought this was a great idea, but decided to steal the idea for a blog series instead.  That way you can choose to come find out what I'm thankful for instead of it being decided for you on your newsfeed.  I've already failed miserably in starting precisely on November 1...I also failed miserably in calling my brother yesterday to wish him a happy birthday.  My month is not off to a great start.  But November 2 is another day with no mistakes in it...yet.

My first post of thankfulness could easily be for all those cliches that you see everybody sharing: husband, child, good health.  Blah, blah, blah.  ;)  I'm bucking Bronco Bama here and going straight for the heart of the matter.  Today, the first day of my thanksgiving month, I'm starting off with a bang.  Today, I am thankful for...
This bad boy.   

That's right.  After 5 years of driving around what was affectionately referred to as "the Sexy Beast"...
I have no idea who the enthusiasts might be for this type of vehicle...the Brady Bunch?

I finally have my new-to-me car.  Sexy Beast was grandfathered into our marriage by VWH, which by some cruel twist of fate I ended up using while he drove my sa-weet sporty Dodge Neon.  Something about gas mileage or some such excuse...  I know he liked my car better.

Sexy Beast and I have had a love-hate relationship minus the love.  There have been blown tires and squeaky belts and no AC for as long as we've been together.  But mostly rust.  Lots of it.  Random parts have fallen out from the undercarriage during various journeys.  When we lived in North Carolina the entire muffler fell off and dragged on the road until I pulled off and temporarily fixed it with a hair elastic.  I revenged Sexy Beast by running over a spray paint can in the middle of the road (unsurprisingly, this was also in North Carolina) and splattering bright yellow paint along the back side.

After James came along a new level of disdain for SB was born as I bonked my head every time I packed him in his car seat.  I'm sure if you ever needed a DNA sample from me you could just go the rear driver's-side door and find ample hair, flesh, and blood material.

Bringing the new PT Baby home from Pennsylvania was a delight.  There was heating and air conditioning.  The radio worked.  The turn signal blinked at a consistent tempo.  And James slept the entire way home--no small feat for an 11 month old stuck in a car for 6 hours.  Yes.  This car will be different.

I certainly did not have a PT Cruiser pegged for my next vehicle.  In fact, a small part of me can find a lot of comparisons to the Sexy Beast.  My mom wanted to drive a PT Cruiser.  I bet your mom wanted to drive a PT Cruiser too, didn't she?  I know I'm a mom now, but I'm not MY mom quite yet.  I suspect that the vast majority of PT Cruisers are driven by people who receive AARP magazines

BUT.  I am not complaining, despite the niggling suspicions in the back of my head.  I am thankful for this bright red blessing that graces our driveway and makes James bounce up and down with excitement each time we leave to go somewhere.  My forehead is too.

Oh, and...happy birthday Daniel.

Friday, October 26, 2012

In memoriam

Tonight we remember Shelob the spider.  She lived on our front window screen for at least four months, serving as our constant companion.  Shelob was an enormous nocturnal orb-weaving spider.  She rarely moved during the day, but her very presence was terrifying enough that I would warn the babysitters so their screams wouldn’t wake the baby.  James had his first semester of science watching Shelob from his bouncer.
A nocturnal orb weaver.  This is about the true size of Shelob.
We watched Shelob spin webs, catch huge insects, wrap them up, and suck their guts out (yum).  We watched her hang lazily from her silk, gazing at the bushes in front of the window and the cars going by.  We even got extra lucky one day and watched Shelob dance the dance of spider lovin’ with a very fortunate male orb-weaving spider.  I watched with rapt attention until James insisted on a nap, returning to see Shelob consuming her lover.  Guess he wasn’t so fortunate after all.  What a woman.
I don’t know why Shelob left us.  Maybe she finally realized that there was a rip in the bottom of the screen and she had lived her entire life behind bars needlessly.  Maybe she was killed by an even bigger insect (which is terrifying, because she was at least as big as a silver dollar).  Perhaps she just passed on to that great eternal web in the sky.  We will never know.  But we do know this: Shelob will be missed.

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James thinks so too.  Most moms don’t imagine their child’s first pet will be an enormous spider, but sometimes you just can’t predict these things…

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Mother and The Child

Yesterday was the kind of day I want to forget today but remember twenty years from now.  (Ask me then to see if I’m right.)  When I was growing up I’d always look at mothers of young children in the grocery store and wonder why they looked so tired and old.  I never understood why my mom fought so hard for her 30 minute “power nap” after lunch.  When she went out with a friend for lunch or wanted to chat in private with somebody I felt slighted and indignant about being left out.  That was all before I lived yesterday. 

It began with my son deciding to start the day at 3am.  I have no idea what got into him, but there was no changing his mind.  Not by rocking or feeding or letting him fuss or any other employed strategy.  So by the time VWH and I gave up and dragged our sorry behinds out of bed it already felt like lunchtime.  And then he left for work and it was just me and James…whom I quickly started referring to as “the child.”  (As in, “The child is trying to eat the contents of the recycling bin.”)

By the time actual lunchtime rolled around I had gotten zero housework accomplished.  The child had taken a 45 minute morning nap, less than half of the norm.  Books had been torn, dishes dropped, toys scattered, and nothing seemed to provide sufficient entertainment.  He fussed and whined and neither cuddles nor food nor favorite songs nor binkies made a lick of difference.

My heightened state of exhaustion made all of this much, much worse.  As I rescued James once again from falling off the bed, climbing into the trash can, bumping his head on the cabinet door, getting stuck under the kitchen table, etc, etc, etc, I began to daydream.  “Remember how you used to be in college?  And you could wear nice clothes knowing that you wouldn’t be crawling around on the floor all day?  Remember how you saw your friends all the time and had important conversations about changing the world?  Remember when your first class wasn’t until 9am?” 

Yesterday was the kind of day when you dream about escaping to Las Vegas with a few of your girlfriends to go see Celine Dion live. 

That’s right.

Celine Dion. 

(I know some of my music major friends and professors would be shaking their heads in dismay right now, but I don’t care.  It’s my blog and they don’t read it anyway.)

Celine has it all together.  She married the love of her life and has three beautiful children, whom she spends her days loving, albeit with the help of nannies and cooks and maids.  Then, rested, thin, and gorgeous, she hits the stage in the evening and wows her adoring fans with an indescribable instrument of a voice.  I’d love to be rested, thin, and gorgeous, with a great voice, and right about then I’d have taken the nanny, maid, and cook too.  As it stood I was in grungy sweatpants with unwashed hag hair, discovering mushed grapes under the radiator, and having little to no food (or inspiration) for dinner.  (Unless, of course, we ate the grapes.)

Celine inspires me, so I cranked up some of her old hits in a valiant effort to absorb some of her awesomeness.  This caused James no end of fusses because I only had audio recordings and wasn’t using YouTube, which means there were no visuals to go along with the song.  (Poor deprived generation.)  He sat there below the iPod dock, alternating between bouncing to the music and crying because he couldn’t SEE Celine.  If I wasn’t so exhausted it would have been quite comical.  But I was too tired, so we turned off the music sooner than intended.

I decided to get creative.  This day would not get the best of me!  The child was permitted to type his own letter to the world (see previous entry), enter the sacred domain of the DVD cabinet, and even take a bath in the middle of the day.  To up the fun-factor, I ran the soap under running water for extra bubbles and threw on my swimsuit and joined him.  That was probably the best half-hour of the day, but half-hours pass by very quickly.  Bath-time over, fusses recommenced.

After an even shorter afternoon nap, the hours quickly heightened in tension, ultimately culminating in a 40 minute knock-down-drag-out battle between mother and child.  James had his first temper tantrum from his crib (complete with foot-stomping) and I curled up in a ball on the couch praying for sanity and peace.  I’m supposed to be a good mother, one who loves her child and has unending patience.  OK, I knew the patience part wouldn’t always be true, but the need to put temporary physical space between the two of us was a smidge unnerving.

And then, just as my wherewithal was completely collapsing into a melted heap of goo, my faithful and noble husband (FNH?) returned from his day.  He quickly sized up the situation (the hair was a tip-off) and offered me the car to go drive and clear my head.  I opted instead for a 5 minute conversation out of doors and away from the baby monitor.  It did wonders.

The child eventually fell asleep, completely exhausted.  I concocted a dinner that actually tasted OK.  VWH consoled us both and offered help in whatever way needed.  We both needed hugs and whispered reassurances that we were doing fine.  That it was OK.  That rest would come.  (I could make a crack about both needing a kind of bottle too, but I’ll refrain.) 

I think I put a type of pressure on myself to make my blogs have some kind of moral.  A nice wrap-up and nugget of truth to hold onto.  I don’t think there are any neat packages tied up with string here.  It was just a rough day.  One that will be a model for many days in the future.  (I’ve heard a rumor about two-year olds being challenging??)

So, to sum it up:  Long day.  Celine Dion.  Hag hair.  A wonderful VWH.  And the story goes on. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Guest blogger today!

This time last year I was writing out James' thoughts.  Now he can do it himself.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just us against the world. Day 3.

Things I learned from day 3 without VWH:

I can survive two days as a single mother tolerably, but three is a stretch.  Yesterday I napped for two hours in the morning with James, and dozed with him for another hour in the afternoon.  I was still so out of it that I went to bed at 9PM, didn’t even hear VWH come in around 11, and slept until the boys woke me up at 7 this morning. 
Apparently one of our neighbors mows his entire lawn with a weed whacker.  That thing was on continuously for over two hours...during nap time.
I don't care if your lawn is green and mowed.  You kept me awake.
A change of scenery can do wonders for passing time and keeping James distracted.  Many thanks to Uncle Paul and Aunt Joy for letting us crash their living room for a few hours.  (And for sharing their grandson’s awesome toys with James.) 
Seeing your unshaven, weary husband after 3 days is the most glorious sight ever.  And James was every bit as excited.
OK.  Maybe he didn't look that bad.
It didn't matter to James.

VWH was kind enough to give James his evening bath tonight.  James’ hair smells much more shampooey after Daddy washes it.  I wonder if Daddy rinses.
I would write more, but I’m still too tired.  Three days survived.  To celebrate, I will welcome a one-year old today for 4 hours to double the fun.  Weekend, weekend, wherefore art thou?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just us against the world. Day 2, Pt 2.

I use nap time to do laundry, shower, and get ready for today’s outing.  VWH is doing well in his out-of-state location, although his hotel didn’t have a breakfast, or WIFI.  He did get to watch the aforementioned NFL game though, and agrees with Mike and Mike.  The officials are stinking the place up.  I ignorantly and indignantly agree.

11:45 am.  James awakes.  Long nap!  Those who are praying for this little guy to give his mommy breaks are being heard.  He is happy and giggly as I dress him for the day.  He is so stinking cute.  Those of you who say that baby boys don’t get cute clothes like girls, read ‘em and weep:

Thanks to Aunt Kylie for the sweet vest.
12:00 pm.  Lunch for James.  I, who have been hungry since 11, have to wait a little bit longer since I’m meeting a former co-worker for lunch at 1.  James eats green beans without a fuss!  It’s fun to watch him recognize things now, like when I hold up a banana and he hoots and hollers like it’s Christmas morning. 

12:30 pm.  We depart for town.  I somehow get my growing child balanced in one arm and a box full of 150 newsletters in the other at the post office.  I drop the newsletters off and pray that the nice postal worker lady who told me the other day that they “probably wouldn’t have a problem with just one stamp” is working today.  I never want to see one of those newsletters again.  At least until December, when the next issue gets underway...

1:00 pm.  James and I pull into Jitters for my lunch.  Great Scott!  Jitters is now carrying a salted caramel latte!  My Starbucks-employed friend got me hooked on the darn things a few weeks ago and I’m thrilled to see that I can buy one for $2 cheaper at Jitters.  It’s really good too.  I enjoy my latte and great conversation with Michele, a co-worker from my office days.  She is a mom of young kids and is one of the few friends I have who is not single and younger than me.  I am encouraged by her testimony and honesty, and pray that I might be able to brighten her day a bit as well.  James contents himself with dropping his toys and chewing on my water bottle.  I wonder how much longer of a window I have when I can take him out in public without disrupting the general populace?

2:15 pm.  We return home and resume play.  The latte hits me and I crank up one of James’ favorite tunes, Point of Grace’s “You are the Answer.”  I don’t quite know how this ended up on his playlist, but he bounces and has some good head-bangin’ fun.  So we play it and bounce and bob along with him.  I took a few snapshots of playtime this afternoon, since describing it probably isn’t as interesting, and definitely not as adorable.

Hey!  A camera!

Climbing Dad's trumpet case to try to get on the chair.

Laundry basket walker!

Want to do this all day!
Love these little toes.

OK Mom.  Stop it with the pictures already.
4:00 pm.  James goes down for a power nap and I catch up with VWH.  He is having a very eventful trip.  Maybe more to say about that later...

4:45 pm.  James is up again, but only in spirit.  His body doesn’t really wake up until 5:30.  We snuggle and keep things mellow as to not bring on the grumps.  I hear up some supper (leftover stir fry) and when James shows minimal interest I know he is sleepy...or it wasn’t great stir fry. 

6:00 pm.  Supper for James.  He does a good job eating with minimal mess-making.  Then we head for the bath.

6:15 pm.  Bath time is, once again, SO COOL.  Mom gets doused, James burns off any calories consumed at supper by kicking furiously and sending splashes across the bathroom floor.  He gets wrapped up in a nice cozy sleeper and we kill the remaining time before bed playing, dancing, and singing together.

7:15 pm.  Nigh’night James.  The kid who was so sleepy at 4:45 is now wide awake and not willing to go quietly.  I close the door and head downstairs to hear various unidentifiable noises that lead to one very identifiable sound.  THUMP plus WAAAAAAHHHHH!  Somebody took a tumble in his crib.  I don’t want to go up if I can help it.  He wails pathetically for 15 seconds and then starts talking to himself.  He’s fine.  He hums and chatters for another 5 minutes, then calms into gentle sighs.  And then, peace. 

The evening post-bedtime is filled with cross stitching and wonderful conversation with a dear friend.  I get to bed too late to post this blog.  This will have to suffice.  Day three recap still to come!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just us against the world. Day 2, Pt. 1

The font of the day is “FangSong.”  This is in no way affiliated with anything having to do with vampires.
This made me laugh.
6:50 am.  After hearing James threaten to wake up completely twice in the past hour, I finally give in and roll out of bed.  The 8 hours have absolutely flown by.  I can’t remember a night that has passed so quickly.  He got up once at 2 am, but other than that slept pretty decently.  His best effort in a week.  Good job James Bear.

7:00 am.  Mike and Mike and breakfast.  (This is not to be confused with Mike and Ike for breakfast, which would just be disgusting.) 

James has peaches and oatmeal, although he seems far more interested in the microscopic bits of dried cheese left on his tray from last night.  I can barely see them but he is drawn to them like a moth to a flame.  (Note to self: no matter how tired you are, completely scrub the tray before bed.)  I eat shredded wheat (frosted this time) and grow indignant alongside Mike and Mike at the horrible officiating of the Monday Night Football game last night.  Granted, I didn’t see it, but it sounds pathetic.  Must quickly align myself with the growing majority.  Boo, officials, boo!

7:20 am.  Playtime in the living room.  James decides the staircase is more interesting.  Normally I let him climb them, but I decide it’s too early and set up our fancy blockade…two Rubbermaid bins full of baby clothes.  Unfortunately our staircase can’t accommodate a baby gate, so we have to improvise.  It looks terrible, but passes the test after James’ thorough examination.

8:25 am.  We call Grandma Davis to wish her a happy morning.  She doesn’t answer, which means she’s either on the phone with somebody else or in the shower.  We leave her a voicemail and James tries to eat the phone.  I count on hearing from her in the next 20 minutes. 

8:40 am.  Grandma calls back and we chat briefly.  James tries to eat the phone.

9:00 am.  After playing hard for two hours James hits the nap wall hard.  It’s like a switch some days, and today is one of them.  Unfortunately it hits simultaneously with VWH FaceTiming from his out-of-state location.  James looks at him sleepily for a few minutes and we attempt to catch up.  However, his Starbucks has a lousy signal and we have to settle for the phone, which wakes James up so that he can try to eat it.  
9:20 am.  Naptime for a James Bear.  Shower for Mommy.  Nothing too terribly exciting thus far today, but that’s just fine.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just us against the world, pt. 2

11:25 am.  James wakes up and we end up talking in the nursery for 20 minutes.  He shows me how much he can bounce in his crib and I sit nearby and cheer him on.

12:00 pm.  Lunch!  Leftover football food for me.  (Homemade guacamole and chicken wing dip, using shredded wheat as chips.  Way healthier and, let’s be honest, the chip is only a vessel for the deliciousness you dip it in.  Might as well cut the salt and add a little fiber.)  James had banana, cheese, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes.  He ate a lot and relished every bite, smearing some in his hair for a mid-afternoon snack.

12:45 pm.  I attempt to fold laundry and James discovers using an upside-down laundry basket as a walker.  This quickly becomes his all-time favorite thing EVER, as you can see.  

 However, what the camera only hints at is that each time he pushed it into an obstacle he suffered a complete and utter meltdown.  I’m not used to this…James rarely really cries unless he’s hurt.  Usually you hear a frustrated, “Unnnhhhh,” but that’s about it.  But for some reason getting the laundry basket stuck equals the end of the world.  This goes on for a while until I finally hide the basket in the laundry room and shut the door.

1:15 pm.  Piano practicing.  In an attempt to distract James from the torture of the stuck laundry basket, we play some songs together.  I show him where middle C is and he practices playing it with a perfect right index finger.  I attempt some songs around his zone in the middle with mixed success.  He eventually gets down and cleans off a shelf of books next to the piano.  This is inevitable and I’m quite surprised it takes 7 full hours of consciousness for him to realize that he hasn’t checked it off his list.

1:30 pm.  James summits the staircase and heads for the bathroom.  I follow close behind, knowing that as long as he has his binky nothing too germy can enter his mouth.  He climbs the toilet and alternates between pounding the top of it and exploring the flush handle.  Once he figures out that pulling the handle can yield various amounts of sound he redirects all energy towards the ultimate achievement.  It takes a few minutes but he finally flushes the toilet.  (…yaaaayyyy…)  Flushed with triumph (ba-dum-SHH!), he happily moves over to the tub, making sure that all items on the ledge are pushed over into the tub.  When this task is complete he exits the bathroom, knowing that his work is finished.  I rescue him and wash his hands.  Boys are all the same.

1:45 pm.  James goes into his bouncer so I can finish folding the clothes.  I put some music on and he bounces sleepily, using Steven as a pillow.  I sense nap number 2 coming on and whisk him upstairs once the last pair of socks has been matched (only one leftover this time!).  A lovely rock and down he goes. 

I use this break to get dressed and ready for my evening rehearsal and catch up with VWH, who is in the throes of beginner lessons at school. 

3:30 pm.  James awakes and joins me in the kitchen for dinner prep.  He loves to help, so I give him metal mixing bowls to bang on and push around the floor as I steam, blend, poach, bake, and stir fry.  I start by making a few batches of green food for James this week: peas and beans.  He likes to celebrate the loud noise of the food processor.  I’m cooking for the babysitter too tonight so I can’t forage, which is probably what I’ll end up doing much of the next few days.  She is a good excuse to make real food.

5:30 pm.  After much play and cookery, James and I eat.  I have veggie and chicken stir fry with a brownie for dessert.  He eats peas, yogurt, banana, oatmeal, and cheese.  I’m very proud of the fact that he eats a large helping of peas without complaint.  This does not usually happen.  Good job James.

5:50 pm.  Bath Time for a James Bear.  The preceding sentence is a song that we sing as we get ready for the bath and he’s learned to get extremely excited when he hears it.  Tonight he bounces up and down so hard leaning over the tub that I’m afraid he’s going to bonk his chin.  Bath time is VERY fun tonight, with lots of kicking and splashing Mommy, who regrets getting changed earlier for rehearsal.  I must remember to tell the babysitter to watch her step if she goes in the bathroom.  I need one of those Caution Wet Floor signs.

6:25 pm.  James is bathed and pajamaed.  I am flying around trying to clean up some of his “work” by putting books on shelves and dishes in the sink.  I wonder aloud why I’m doing this…it never bothered me when I babysat if the house was a little messy.  And yet here I am, cleaning to impress my babysitter, who is one of my dearest friends from college, so she completely understands what a slob I can really be.  My mother I am becoming.

6:30 pm.  Megan is unsurprisingly prompt and I give James goodnight kisses.  As I head out the door I realize that the first day is essentially over.  Making music and then gladly embracing my pillow is all that remains. 

9:55 pm.  VWH texts to tell me he has safely arrived at his destination.  With a thankful heart I sign off for the night, happy to we all have survived day one.


10:05 pm.  James starts wailing from the nursery…