Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Being Owen: 11 Months

Swinging at Aunt Kerry's pumpkin patch.
Eating leaves in Albion.
Always happy to oblige for a photo op.
Tigger 'n Tigger.

After an unsuccessful attempt to remove his hood.

Up too late and ready for games at Hilltop Nova. Somewhere there is an identical pose of me at that age with my dad.

More swinging. Pucker up.
Reaching for Daddy's breakables is a favorite pastime.
Happy to share the steering responsibilities at last.

This is Owen in a thirty second nutshell. He is the happiest kid on the planet.
Today's 1%: There is so much to catch up on from the past week or two, but the 1% from just today would be feeling like I struck an appropriate balance between productivity and lots of quality time with my little boys. This probably means that I had a lucky day more than made some kind of marked, measurable improvement, but I loved every second of it.

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