Monday, October 5, 2015

October Date Night In: Preparations

Date Night In! Date Night In! Time for the second Date Night In!

<repeat chant marching around kitchen, keeping time with large spoon for added emphasis>

Roy and I have chosen “Fall Comfort” for our first autumn DNI. It looks relatively simple, but is full of our favorite fall flavors. We chose this date night two weeks ago and, I must admit, we’ve enjoyed a lot of those flavors in other forms quite a bit already, but I think we can handle a little more.

The menu, which we will enjoy tomorrow evening:
Spiced Cider Toddy
Brussels Sprouts Slaw with Grapes and Feta
White Bean and Pumpkin Gratin with Crispy Shallot Crumbs
Grandma’s Apple Cake with Maple Cream

There wasn’t anything particularly gripping about any of these dishes, but as a whole they sounded aromatic and warm and comforting. So today I sat down and made a list of the ingredients we’d need especially for this DNI. Here’s my grocery list, which does include a few extra staples:

4 oz Brussels sprouts
1 leek
1 lemon
2 Granny Smith apples
2 oz sheep’s milk feta
2 oz Gruyere
Champagne vinegar
Whole cloves
Canned green beans

I packed the boys up and we headed to Wegmans. Once arrived I fished around, multiple times, in my purse to locate the post-it pad that had my list. Nothing. I scoured my pockets. Nothing.

Siiiiiiiiiiigh. Do I drive back and get the list and drive back? Should I just go for it? But there’s a 99% chance I won’t remember everything…

Ultimately I went for it. I sat down and recreated the list as best as I could, thinking through each dish of the menu as I went. We headed in and I found everything I could remember, except for leeks, which I’m pretty sure just weren’t there. I saw a labeled area that was devoid of leeks. I opted for scallions instead. We did the obligatories, including the free cookie, watching a few laps of the overhead train, oohing and aahing over a giant inflatable spider, and deflecting requests for a helium balloon. (“It’s the United STATES Mommy!!!”)

We got home and, I’ll admit, I headed immediately to the kitchen table to find my list. It wasn’t there. WHERE WAS THAT FLINGING FLANGING LIST?!? I looked more carefully and saw the pad of post-its on the table, which meant I had peeled the list off. With dread, I slowly inserted my hand into my pocket once more. Sure enough, nestled into a tiny corner was a tiny folded post-it note. That bugger had experienced the sights and sounds of Wegmans just as much as any of the rest of us. I unfolded it and scanned the list…

Sheep’s milk feta, apples, vinegar, lemon, … … NO. WAY. I remembered EVERYTHING!!!!

<Insert major fist pump and exclaiming of one’s accomplishment. James was unimpressed, which is ironic, as he is 50% of why it was so impressive The other 50% was already heading toward the staircase to test the baby gate.>

So we have everything. I made the apple cake already, with special permission from Roy. We are hosting Martha for dinner and I didn’t want to make two consecutive fall-ish desserts (Well, I did, but my waistline didn’t.). The cake tastes great. Want to know how I know that already? Because I let it cool for 10 minutes, PER INSTRUCTIONS, and then flipped it out of the pan onto a rack, PER INSTRUCTIONS. And it broke into three crumbly chunks. Roy immediately shouted, “Lemme get my camera for Date Night In!” And I shushed him, but I’ll probably take a picture anyway, because this isn’t about being perfect.

<repeat chant marching around kitchen, keeping time with large spoon for added emphasis>


I also made spiced cider for the toddy. Thank you Lucas and Melissa for leaving wonderful local cider with us yesterday—you saved me another item on my list for purchase today. The spiced cider, so far, hasn’t experienced any catastrophe, but we won’t drink it until tomorrow.

Today’s 1%: I think this whole entry was about that. I REMEMBERED. Here’s to being 30, having two boys, and still occasionally being semi-sharp.

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