Thursday, October 8, 2015

Life at the car wash

"I took James down to the car wash at the bottom of the hill today. He sat for a long time watching the cars go inside. I think he really liked it!" said Roy one afternoon in the fall of 2013.
Soon we sat at the exit of the wash, to see the clean cars exit. We can do this for an hour at a time, multiple times a day. Mommy and Daddy get a lot of reading done.
Ultimately we just made ourselves at home and propped up against the windows to see the interior in action. You can clearly gauge the complete captivation as George is strewn haphazardly in the middle of the alley.
As the months passed we journeyed to the car wash countless times. Visitors and special guests joined when permitted.
Then one day Mommy and Daddy said we were moving away from the car wash to a new house. They said we needed more space. Daddy took me to the car wash the night before we moved. I was so sad. There were so many changes.
But guess what? The car wash isn't TOO far away from our new house, and sometimes we can come and visit. Daddy brought me and Owen this week and I got to show him around. It was a lot of fun, so I 'm not sure why Mommy cried when she saw this picture.
Today's 1%: I have kept up with the kitchen for 28 hours.

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