Thursday, October 22, 2015

Checking in

I feel as if a long blog post must happen in the near future. I've been up and down the east coast, tunneled through several dozen bridal gowns, eaten a vegan and gluten-free diet for five days, flown over the Statue of Liberty twice, conducted a performance at a swanky rich-people-only club, and resurrected a white noise machine all by myself. It's been quite a unique week and it deserves more detail, but there simply hasn't been time. Perhaps tomorrow...

Today's 1%: I successfully navigated inner city driving and parking to and from a location I was unable to see from the street. At night. This type of task terrifies me, to be frank, and I was glad to not hit anything or anybody. (I only had to walk down one creepy alleyway.) 😳

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