Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Being Owen

Being Owen: 10 month edition

Standing by himself. Let's celebrate by smiling.
I'm almost as tall as you now Mom. Let's celebrate by smiling.
I gave Abby hand, foot, and mouth disease. Let's celebrate by smiling.
Fishing with the big bro.
I don't like to nap, but when I do I make sure it's because I stared at the ceiling fan too long.
In the spices. The chocolate chips, specifically.
A quick selfie with Mom.
We have no fear. Even when we get stuck we just keep smiling.
Into the trash.
Into the kitchen magnets and drawings.
Helping Mommy tighten up the chairs. Stillll smiling.
Neeeeeeeeeding to play with the big kids.

Today's 1%: I didn't cry when water started pouring through the kitchen ceiling tonight. At least I haven't cried yet.

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