Friday, September 18, 2015


My sweet James picked out a bouquet of roses for his best friend, Alexa, on the occasion of her fourth birthday. Here they are sharing a birthday doughnut together at Tim Hortons. They've been inseparable for over three years now...before either of them could walk.

Do not. I repeat, do NOT, take your eyes off this kid for a second. If you turn away to chuck the old diaper this is what you find. Silly nakie Owen.

Today's 1%: I refrained for over half the month of September from making pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, which for me are the epitome of autumn. I was overtaken today and they are every bit as wonderful as I remembered. I will never admit that fall might be my favorite season, even though my actions say otherwise. In word, it's summer.  Alllllllllways summer. Summer summer summer... <she said weakly>

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