Friday, September 11, 2015

Two scenes

Scene A:

A mother opens her front closet and reaches into the dark corner. She tugs and extracts the heavy, cumbersome vacuum from its hiding place. As she turns, lifting it onto the living room carpet, her 10 month old son James crawls into the room. He smiles at his mother, then eyes the vacuum. Immediately the smiling eyes fill with terror and he scoots out of the living room as fast as he can, heading for the closest adult or piece of furniture to climb. Or perhaps a different closet in which to hide. His terrified cries resound as the mother pulls the vacuum quickly, yet deliberately across the carpet.

It almost got me that time!

Scene B:

A mother opens her front closet and reaches into the dark corner. She tugs and extracts the heavy, cumbersome vacuum from its hiding place. As she turns, lifting it onto the living room carpet, her 10 month old son Owen crawls into the room. He smiles at his mother, then eyes the vacuum. Immediately the smiling eyes fill with glee and he scoots across the room as fast as he can, heading for the vacuum. His cries of joy resound as he attempts to climb up the vacuum. The mother pulls the vacuum quickly, yet deliberately across the carpet, avoiding Owen as he follows in hot pursuit. On the off chance she pushes it near him he stops and claps in celebration.

I almost got it that time!

Today’s 1%: Sometimes when I deem something needs to be bought I go buy it. Immediately. And oftentimes that thing doesn’t NEED to be bought. Or it hasn’t reached need status yet, anyway. James’ sneakers were in a sorry state. But I waited. Accumulated $10 off coupon, 30% off purchase, and shoes 50% off in one shot today. $35 pair of nice sneakers. Practically free. Thumbs up.

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