Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Family portraits 2015

We enjoyed another evening with Kristin McCain in Pennsylvania for family photos.

Not particularly centered or proportional, but we look happy. James looks really happy.

Owen always looks happy. What a treasure to capture his sweet baby face!

This guy is looking so much older!

Work it James. Model man.

Easy to get a smile when Daddy has swung you up onto his shoulder.

When Owen isn't smiling, you can pretty much be sure those two fingers are in his mouth. 

We waited for you for so long little man. You bring us such rich joy.

I can't even.

I think this really reflects the boys' personalities. James is introverted and protective. Owen is always looking at people and flashing a cheesy grin.


Thirty doesn't look so bad when you hire a professional.

I'm pretty sure James was running back and forth in front of the camera right about now.

I love this man.

At the end of the shoot. Looking a bit disheveled and ready for Half Pint Creamery!

Today's 1%: It wasn't a particularly stellar day for me. I didn't exercise and I ate more than I needed to. But, to celebrate Roy NOT having to go to school today, we made lemon ricotta pancakes for breakfast. Cheesecake Factory recipe (told you it wasn't the best eating day). Daiiiii-ang. They were incredible. I had enjoyed them for a special anniversary brunch a month ago and found the recipe online. They must have not held anything back because ours tasted exactly the same. Here's to hopefully a year where we can be home a little more, together, as a family. That would be a whole lot more than 1% in my book.

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