Friday, September 4, 2015

Date Night In #1 is tonight!

Date Night In! Date Night In! Date Night In!

Tonight is the first edition of Date Night In, featuring Ashley Rodriguez’s UHMAZINGbook and a lot of prep work from yours truly. Ingredients have been purchased that I’ve never used before (miso paste anyone?), spices have been freshly ground, homemade barbecue sauce was simmered (with ruuuuummmm), coconut has been toasted, pineapple and mangos and jalapenos sliced, and a lot more. We will be taking pictures and summarizing our date together. Not sure if it will show up on my blog, Roy’s, both, or each giving separate accounts, but adventure fo’ sure! After all, we did this entire Date Night In with 7 holes in the kitchen ceiling and walls and the refrigerator blocking the main entrance. 

The most amazing spiced caramel was made two days ago in preparation for the dessert. One taste and I knew, even if the rest of the dinner bombs, we’re guaranteed a spectacular ending.

Today’s 1%: The Paderno shreds cabbage for slaw. Stick the whole head on there and get ready for a show.

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