Sunday, September 20, 2015

Highlights & Lowlights

Highlights of today:
·         Great praise choir rehearsal and music this morning at Pearce. I felt genuine excitement in the congregation as we sang together. I felt excitement, which doesn’t always happen. It shouldn’t have to I suppose, but it’s nice when it does.
·         A pumpkin chocolate chip muffin for breakfast.
·         James took a nap this afternoon.
·         A Sunday without a concert.
·         I had the luxury of briefly being in a Target without kids.
·         The Steelers won. They killed actually.
·         A birthday party with some of our dearest friends.
·         Early to bed making an Amazon Christmas wish list (all of the pretty kitchen things) and sipping wine while Miles Davis keeps me company.

Lowlights of today:
·         Running out of coffee beans before I got any this morning.
·         Another challenging day from my three year old in regards to cooperation and respect.
·         Bumping into a bunch of people from church in Target, making me (and maybe them) all feel like bad Sabbath keepers.
·         The Bills lost. Not so much of a bummer for me, but Roy’s aura gets all stormcloud-like for at least 24 hours.
·         Owen threw up at the birthday party. That’s low. But the kid had the extra decency to do it all over their patio and then save a little something extra that ended up directly down my shirt. INSIDE my shirt. INSIDE MY SHIRT!

Did I mention that I was sipping wine and online shopping tonight?

Today’s 1%: James and I alternated reading Berenstein Bear books (his request) and stories from The Children’s Book of Virtues (mine). Looking for new ways to aid in his moral education—it can be so challenging to creatively and wisely instill truth in your children!

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